Collection: 04-Nuclear Chemistry

This is a growing bundle of Nuclear Chemistry resources. At this time, all of the four lesson are completed. Each lesson includes student notes, detailed teacher notes, exit tickets, and homework. More resources will be coming. If you buy now, you will get all of the new resources for this unit for free. And finally, an editable unit study guide and editable unit test are included!

The Nuclear Chemistry Mega Unit Bundle includes these concepts:

Compare chemical reactions and nuclear reactions

Describe how the strong nuclear force and electrostatic forces affect the nucleus

Describe nuclear stability as it relates to the Band of Stability

Identify and describe the Three major types of nuclear radiation with regards to: symbol, effect on the nucleus, danger, and protection

Identify and describe other nuclear emissions such as positron, neutron, and proton

Describe electron capture (K-Capture)

Compare chemical reactions and nuclear reactions

Describe the characteristics of a nuclear reaction

Describe the effects of alpha and beta decay on the nucleus

Diagram alpha and beta decay

Solve and write nuclear equations

Describe gamma ray emission

Define half-life and decay series

Interpret and complete a decay series

Solve half-life problems

Define nuclear fission, chain reaction, and nuclear fusion and distinguish between them.

Describe how a fission reaction is used in a nuclear power plant

Discuss nuclear waste and current problems in the storage of nuclear waste

Compare nuclear power, hydroelectric power, and coal power (chemical reaction)

Diagram and write an equation for fission

Diagram and write an equation for fusion.

Compare the benefits and drawbacks of fission and fusion


Products Included in This Mega Bundle: (at this time)

Lesson: Radioactivity & Types of Radiation

Lesson: Writing Nuclear Equations

Lesson: Half-Life & The Decay Series

Lesson: Fusion, Fission, & Nuclear Power

Nuclear Chemistry Unit Study Guide with editable questions

Unit Test- editable

and more resources coming soon

Note: The PowerPoints included in this bundle are editable, animated PowerPoints. This means that slides will appear to be busy and even overlapping in the “slide” mode, but will be awesome in the “slide show” mode. Please don’t edit the PowerPoint until you have watched it in slide show mode.

This unit is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry

This will be a unit you will want to use year after year!

Chemistry Corner


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LICENSING TERMS: By downloading this product, you own a license for one teacher only for personal use in your classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. I you are a coach, principal or district interested in transferable licenses to accommodate yearly staff changes, please contact

COPYRIGHT TERMS: ©Chemistry Corner® . Please note – all material included in this resource belongs to Chemistry Corner. By downloading, you have a license to use the material, but you do not own the material. This resource, or any portion of this resource, may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students—no other teachers or anyone else on the internet.

5 products
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Writing Nuclear Equations
    Regular price
    $4.00 USD
    Sale price
    $4.00 USD
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Half-Life & The Decay Series
    Regular price
    $5.00 USD
    Sale price
    $5.00 USD
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Unit Group Study Guide
    Regular price
    $3.50 USD
    Sale price
    $3.50 USD
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Radioactivity & Types of Radiation
    Regular price
    $4.00 USD
    Sale price
    $4.00 USD
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out
  • Nuclear Chemistry: Fission, Fusion, & Nuclear Power
    Regular price
    $4.00 USD
    Sale price
    $4.00 USD
    Regular price
    Unit price
    Sold out