This lab is an Oldie but Goldie that has been modified to add honors level enrichments, and differentiated for the standard level chemistry class. I like starting off the calculations unit with this lab because it leads into pretty much all of the topics in this unit. But, most importantly, students will determine that there is a need for a standardized method of measurement and a standardized method of recording measurement – the first three lessons of the unit that follow this inquiry lab.
Students will work together collaboratively to plan, design, and carry out an investigation that will determine the thickness of aluminum foil. The main objective is to lead to a discussion about the need for a standardized method of measurement and a standardized method of recording those measurements – the next three lessons.
This lab is formatted with two versions – honors and standard. The honors level lab has two enrichment possibilities included.
NGSS Science & Engineering Practices:
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
* Planning and carrying out investigations in 9 – 12 builds on K – 8 experiences and progresses to include investigations that provide evidence for and test mathematical models.
* Plan and conduct an investigation collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for evidence, and in the design decide on types, how much, and accuracy of data needed to produce reliable measurements and consider limitations on the precision of the data.
* Brainstorm with group members to hypothesize a means for determining the thickness of aluminum foil
* Plan and carry out investigation to test hypothesis, and results in the determination of the thickness of aluminum foil
* Compare three types of aluminum foil; heavy duty, regular, and generic according to thickness
* Write up a consumer recommendation for the purchase of aluminum foil based on data and cost
Prior Knowledge:
Familiar with the density and volume formula
Materials Needed for this Lab:
Aluminum foil – three types; heavy duty, regular, and generic
Metric rulers
Electronic balances
Whiteboards (Optional)
Lesson Duration: One class period
Included in This Resource:
* Teacher Notes—detailed for honors & standard classes
* Student lab directions (standard)
* Student Lab Report w/sample key (standard)
* Lab Makeup w/ Key
* Hint Cards for Honors Lab
* Editable Hint Cards for Honors Lab
* Example Honors Lab Report
Teacher Prep Time: Light – cutting aluminum samples
This lab is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry, or physical science.
You will want to use this lab year after year!
Chemistry Corner
Check out these other products that you may be interested in:
Writing the Chemistry Lab Report
Chemistry: Accuracy, Precision, & Measurement
Chemistry: Significant Figures & Precision
Chemistry: Calculating with Significant Figures
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