I have had such success using study groups when review time comes around. Students are assigned a study partner. Then when it’s time for a review, I have them study with their study partner or with another two partners to form study groups. I like study groups better and have more success with groups. I think this is a great exercise in studying together, and hopefully they will continue to use this highly effective strategy when they are in college.
But the best thing about using study groups is that it frees up the teacher to monitor understanding, identify struggling students, or even pull a group to work with.
I have found that these colorful, illustrated study cards keep students engaged in the review. I laminate them on card stock so the color won’t bleed through, and I can make two-sided copies. Print a class set – enough for the number of groups you will have, and you will have this great resource for years to come.
The student answer sheet is mostly editable in case you want to change any of the questions to fit your needs.
SPECIAL NOTE: Please look through the preview above for this resource. Each topic included is shown clearly. This study guide is NOT editable. The student answer sheet is editable.
This Unit Study Guide includes these objectives:
* Differentiate between and define accuracy and precision
* Correctly use scientific measuring tools including: electronic balance, triple beam balance, graduated cylinder, lab thermometer, metric ruler, and meter stick
* Correctly record a measurement showing the precision of the measurement tool
* Calculate percentage error
* Describe the importance of significant figures
* Define significant figures
* Determine the number of significant figures in measurements
* Perform mathematical problems using significant figures.
* Round answers to mathematical problems to the correct sig figs and units for addition and subtraction
* Round answers to mathematical problems to the correct sig figs and units for multiplication and division
* Convert scientific notation to and from standard form
* Perform mathematical problems using scientific notation – addition, division, multiplication, & division
* Use the calculator for problems involving scientific notation
* Calculate units and use significant figures in the final answer
* Compare the British Imperial Measurement System with the Metric System (SI)
* Identify the basic prefixes of the metric system
* Perform metric conversions
* Identify and use metric prefixes out side of the basic prefixes such as micro and nano
* Define dimensional analysis
* Set up conversion factors
* Convert units of measure using dimensional analysis
Included in this resource:
* Group Study Cards (3 pages)
* Student Answer Sheet with questions (pdf)
* Editable Student Answer Sheet
This study guide will be a something you will want to use year after year!
This lesson is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry or physical science.
Chemistry Corner
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LICENSING TERMS: By downloading this product, you own a license for one teacher only for personal use in your classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they cannot be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. I you are a coach, principal or district interested in transferable licenses to accommodate yearly staff changes, please contact Chemistry Corner.
COPYRIGHT TERMS: ©Chemistry Corner. Please note – all material included in this resource belongs to Chemistry Corner. By downloading, you have a license to use the material, but you do not own the material. This resource, or any portion of this resource, may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students—no other teachers or anyone else on the internet.