Mole Conversions Color-By-Number! Add art and creativity to your review lesson!
Differentiated with three different versions of questions—Version 1: all types of mole conversions—mol to g, mol to #particles, molar volume @ STP—plus a challenge problem to get students really thinking, Version 2: no challenge question, no question on #atoms from formula units, Version 3: no molar volume questions.
Students work ten problems, choose the correct answer, and color their masterpieces according to the color beside the correct answer. For early finishers, I let students “make it their own” by adding a background, and coloring parts of the drawing that don’t have numbers.
This is a great review assignment that will have students reviewing mole conversions in a whole-brain activity.
This lesson includes these concepts:
♦ Solving mole conversion problems: mol-g, mol-#particles, mol-L @ STP, mol-#formula units-#atoms.
♦ Choose from three versions of the questions.
1: mol-g, mol-#particles, mol-L @ STP, mol-#formula units-#atoms, challenge question
2: mol-g, mol-#particles, mol-L @ STP
3: mol-g, mol-#particles
Included in This Product:
✓Question set—3 versions with KEYS
✓Color-By-Number handout- Guacamole, The Silly Mole
✓Color-By-Number completed KEY (colored)
✓Complete Key with problems worked out
✓Example Student Work
✓Teacher Hints & Tips
Prior Knowledge for Students:
Students should be very familiar with dimensional analysis and mole conversions
Teacher Prep Time:
Just print and go!
Lesson Duration:
1 class period
Just Print and Go! Everything is ready for immediate use in your classroom.
This lesson is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry
Chemistry Corner ********************************************************************************** Check out these other products that you may be interested in:
Chemistry Lesson: The Mole
The Mole: Mole Conversions Task Cards
Mole Basics Doodle Notes