Everything you need for a successful Nomenclature Unit! Four complete lessons, graphic organizers, homework, polyatomic and monatomic ion lists, teacher and student notes, check for understanding exit tickets, a lab, task cards, color-by-number, puzzle, The Great Nomenclature Race, extra practice, and an editable test!
Naming and Writing Chemical Formulas Lessons Bundle includes these concepts:
♦ Naming and Writing Binary Ionic Compounds
♦ Naming and Writing Ternary Ionic Compounds (with Polyatomic Ions)
♦ Naming and Writing Monatomic and Polyatomic Ions
♦ Naming and Writing formulas for ionic compounds that have more than one oxidation state (multivalent cations)
♦ Naming and Writing formulas for Acids
♦ Naming & Writing Formulas for Hydrates
♦ Naming & Writing Formulas for Molecular Compounds
Products Included In This Bundle:
Naming and Writing Ionic Formulas Part One
Naming and Writing Ionic Formulas Part Two
Naming and Writing Chemical Formulas: Acids & Hydrates
Naming and Writing Formulas: Molecular Compounds
Nomenclature Task Cards
Chemistry Lab: Percent Water in a Hydrate
Naming and Writing Chemical Formulas Color-by-Number
Chemistry Nomenclature Race Activity
Naming and Writing Chemical Formulas Puzzle
Naming and Writing Chemical Formulas Graphic Organizers
Polyatomic-Monatomic Ion Table
Note: The PowerPoints included in this bundle are animated PowerPoints. This means that It will appear to be busy and even overlapping in the “slide” mode, but will be awesome in the “slide show” mode. Please don’t edit the PowerPoint until you have watched it in slide show mode.
Included in This Product:
✓ Four Editable Animated PowerPoints- 93 Total Slides!
✓ Student Notes that follow the PowerPoints (Cornell Cloze Notes & Blank Notes)
✓ 4 Homework Assignments with KEYS
✓ 4 Check for Understanding (Exit/Entrance Ticket (Quiz) with KEYS
✓ Polyatomic/Monatomic Ion Table
✓ 2 Graphic Organizers (Ions & Naming Compounds)
✓ 16 Pages of Teacher Notes Plus Teacher Hints, Tips, and Strategies
✓ Puzzle
✓ Race
✓ 24 Task Cards (B&W or Color)
✓ Color-by-Number
✓ Lab: Percent Water in a Hydrate
This BUNDLE will be a something you will want to use year after year and SAVE you money, too!
This lesson is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry or physical science.
Chemistry Corner
You may also be interested in these included products:
Differentiated Homework Sheets
Chemistry BellWork/Warmups for the Entire Year