Updated: Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes Doodle Notes are best used by the student in the print version – so some doodling & coloring can go on as they listen to the lesson. However, in the time of distance learning, I’m adding these notes to the lesson for those of you that want to include them in digital format for students – individually, or as part of an interactive notebook.
Physical and chemical changes and properties reinforced on the same doodle notes! Your students will master the difference between these two sometime confused terms.
There is lots of room to add your own notes. The suggested key gives you some ideas of things that students may want to add to their notes. Students will gain so much value from these doodle notes that they will be proud of and use! The included teacher notes suggest many ways of incorporating doodle notes in you class, and includes an example suggestion for completing the doodle notes. For interactive notebooks—just print at 90%, and it will fit beautifully!
The notes have a good amount of blank space so you can adapt the notes to fit your needs.
A Cloze Notes format is included for students needing extra help.
Included in the Chemistry Doodle Notes for the Year- A Growing Bundle Resource
Chemistry Doodle Notes! Research is now coming available that sites that doodling while learning forms a connection between left brain and right brain communication and enhances learning. “Cross-brain” learning has many benefits for the student—most importantly, the activity of doodling will give your students a kinesthetic connection to core concepts.
Included in This Product:
✓ Blank Doodle Notes
✓ Cloze Notes Format
✓ Suggested KEY
✓ Teacher Hints & Tips for using doodle notes with your class (2 pages)
Prior Knowledge for Students:
Matter and its properties and changes.
Teacher Prep Time:
Just print and go!
Lesson Duration:
One class period
Just Print and Go! Everything is ready for immediate use in your classroom.
This lesson is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry, physical science, and middle school.
Chemistry Corner.
Check out these other products that you may be interested in:
Chemistry: Classification of Matter
Introduction to Chemistry
Chemistry Doodle Notes for the Year- A Growing Bundle
Chemistry BellWork for the Entire Year