Everything you need for a successful Stoichiometry Unit! Three complete lessons: each lesson includes student notes, detailed teacher notes, check for understanding exit tickets, and homework. Also, included in this Mega Unit Bundle are two quizzes, one set of task cards, color-by-number, three doodle notes, 2 graphic organizers, a board game, scavenger hunt, a stoichiometry lab, and a teacher demonstration with inquiry activity. And finally, an editable unit study guide and editable unit test are included both with honors & standard versions!
The Stoichiometry Mega Unit Bundle includes these concepts:
Define stoichiometry.
Describe the function of the mole to mole conversion factor.
Write mole to mole conversion factors for chemical reactions.
Calculate the amount of product or reactant in moles, mass, or liters from an amount of a different product or reactant in moles, mass, or liters
Define limiting and excess reactants.
Use stoichiometric calculations to determine the limiting and excess reactant.
Determine the amount of excess reactant remaining after reaction has run.
Using the limiting reactant, use stoichiometric calculations to determine the amount of product formed.
Show a qualitative understanding of the phenomenon of limiting and excess reagents in a chemical reaction through pictorial and conceptual examples.
Distinguish between theoretical yield, actual yield, and percentage yield.
Calculate the percentage yield for a chemical reaction given the actual yield and amount of reactant(s).
HS-PS1: Matter and its Interactions
HS-PS1-2: Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of the patterns of chemical properties.
HS-PS1-7: Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction.
DCI: PS1B: The fact that atoms are conserved, together with knowledge of the chemical properties of the elements involved, can be used to describe and predict chemical reactions.
Science & Engineering Practices—Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking: Use mathematical representations of phenomena to support claims.
Cross-Cutting Concepts—Patterns: Different patterns may be observed at each of the scales at which a system is studied and can provide evidence for causality in explanations of phenomena.
Cross-Cutting Concepts—Energy & Matter: The total amount of energy and matter in closed systems is conserved.
Products Included in This Mega Bundle:
Note: each lesson consists of a editable PowerPoint, Student Notes (Cornell Style), Teacher Notes, Exit Ticket, and a Homework /Practice Assignment
Lesson: Stoichiometry: A Complete Lesson
Lesson: Limiting & Excess Reactants
Lesson: Percentage Yield
Teacher Demonstration with Student Inquiry Activity
Conversion: The Chemistry Board Game- Stoichiometry Edition
Stoichiometry Scavenger Hunt w/ QR Codes
Stoichiometry Doodle Notes
Limiting & Excess Reactants Doodle Notes
Percent Yield Doodle Notes
Stoichiometry Task Cards
Stoichiometry Color-by-Number
Stoichiometry Lab: Making Salt
Free Bonuses:
Stoichiometry Quiz
Limiting/Excess Reactants Quiz
Stoichiometry Unit Study Guide- editable & pdf (Honors & Standard)
Stoichiometry Unit Test- editable & pdf (Honors & Standard)
Note: The PowerPoints included in this bundle are editable, animated PowerPoints. This means that slides will appear to be busy and even overlapping in the “slide” mode, but will be awesome in the “slide show” mode. Please don’t edit the PowerPoint until you have watched it in slide show mode.
Included in This Product:
(3) Animated PowerPoints- Editable- 52 Total Slides
(1) An Inquiry based Quick Activity that starts with a Teacher Demonstration (phenomenon)
(1) Student Activity Directions- 3 pages plus KEY
(1) Student Answer Sheet for Activity- 2 Pages w/ KEY
(3) Student Notes- Cornell Style Cloze Notes w/Example KEYs
(5) Homework Assignments w/KEYS (Standard & Honors for Percent Yield Lesson)
(3) Check for Understanding (Exit Tickets) w/KEYS
(2) Quizzes
(2) Graphic Organizers
(3) Teacher Notes slide by slide, tips, and strategies.
(26 pages- includes complete instructions for teacher demo and student activity)
(1) Board Game: Conversion-The Stoichiometry Edition
(1) Task Card Set
(1) Stoichiometry Scavenger Hunt w/ QR Codes
(1) Color-by-Number
(3) Doodle Notes: Stoichiometry, Limiting & Excess Reactants, and Percent Yield
(1) Stoichiometry Lab: Making Salt
Unit Study Guide—Editable w/ KEY (Standard & Honors)
Unit Test–Editable w/ KEY (Standard & Honors)
This BUNDLE will be a something you will want to use year after year and SAVE you money, too!
This lesson is appropriate for grades 9-12 chemistry.
Chemistry Corner
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